Apartment Rating @ 35%
I don't think so. Ignore the reviews posted by management.
From: LegalDiva326Date posted: 1/29/2008
Years at this apartment: 2005 - 2008

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For as long as I've been a tenant here (almost three years), the water bill has been paid with the rent. The rent is due on the 1st, with a grace period until the 5th. If you did not pay your water bill with the rent, your rent check would not be accepted - Fine by me, however...
I never liked the fact that this building does business with AUM (American Utility Management in IL), a company that is notorious for inflating water usage charges and charging outrageous fees. They charge us $3.50 a month simply for the privilege of having them bill us - I always thought that management should be paying this bill, since they are contracting with this company to provide utility billing - I didn't ask them to bill me, THEY DID.
Anyways, the building recently changed the policies so that we are to pay AUM directly, rather than submitting the water payment with the rent. I'm guessing that the monthly $3.50 "Admin" fee has been the source of resistance and many arguments, so they had to come up with a way to justify it. Due to this change, our hands are now tied and we are being subjected to AUM's outrageous fees.
We no longer have a grace period, as AUM demands payment by the 1st, or else you are charged a $10 late fee. They also want you to allow 5-7 business days for payment. You just know they are going to claim you were late and find a way to charge you. If you go online to make a payment, you are charged a $7.50 "Convenience" Fee. (Please tell me how this is "convenient.")
Considering that we have a large number of elderly, fixed-income, and some low-income tenants, this is totally inconsiderate and unfair. But honestly, with the new management team, they are doing a lot of new, unscrupulous (and potentially ILLEGAL) things to the tenants. They just attempted to run a scam on me, but I'm too intelligent for it (future lawyer), and they're messing with the wrong one. They're about to see how "thorough" I really am.
There are a million reasons why no one should move to this building, and in a few more months, I intend to tell ALL. Stay posted.
UPDATE: I just received my most recent water bill. I am now being charged a $10 late fee for a payment that I mailed to them well in advance, in more than enough time to make it to them by their deadline of the 1st. I believe that I was correct in my assumption that this would be the new scam. I believe that both the bogus utility company and management will be taking a cut from these ill-gotten "profits" taken at the expense of their residents. Geez, isn't scamming with exorbitant rental increases enough' Greedy - just plain greedy....
Read more: http://www.apartmentratings.com/rate/GA-Atlanta-Darlington-Apartments-725295.html#ixzz0z9bQPJF6
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